

Quarterly Report: Winter 2019

Health Update My sabbatical continues while I focus on recovering my health. (For the backstory, read my Healing Music post.) My energy is still low, but the general trend is moving up. Recently I had a stretch where I felt like I was operating at around 50%. After being down in the 20% range so much, that felt amazing. I see light at the end of the tunnel. Actually, I don't feel like I'm in a tunnel at [...]

By |2019-03-13T13:41:26-07:00March 13th, 2019|Categories: News|0 Comments

Spacey & Shakin’ Turns 20

20 years ago today, on April 7, 1998, Epic/57 Records released my third album, Spacey and Shakin'. I wrote the album with my band The Sinners in mind.  Peter Stroud, Dave Hull, Rob Brill and Elaine Summers all shine on this disc.  Our producer engineer team of Brendan O'Brien and Russ Fowler created what to my ear is a damn cool sounding record.  (Audio dorks might be interested to know that much of the compression [...]

By |2018-04-09T15:08:13-07:00April 7th, 2018|Categories: News|0 Comments

Dog Ate My Homework

I posted this video a while ago on social media announcing that I was close to finishing the first 1000 TREES single. I have since finished the track, but it will still take some time before it’s released. There are a few reasons things are moving at such a glacial pace. Busy mastering engineers, the search for the right designer to create cover art, embarking on producing an EP for Moody Little Sister [...]

By |2017-08-29T19:47:08-07:00August 29th, 2017|Categories: 1000 TREES, Ambient, News|0 Comments

We’re Losing Light!!!

I tagged along on Danny Newcomb's video shoot yesterday with my filmmaking mentor John Jeffcoat. In order to get to watch the man in action—and pick up cinematography tricks along the way— I offered to lend a hand. I ended up giving him a second set of eyes while capturing drone footage. I carried stuff. I operated playback for lip syncing. I removed dog poo from the trail so shoes weren't soiled. I yelled "We're [...]

By |2017-08-03T09:44:43-07:00July 24th, 2017|Categories: Cinema Droge, News|0 Comments


Look for new music this summer. I am working on a project called 1000 TREES. It's not really a record. It's more like a series of releases. In addition to good old Pete Droge songs with words and stuff, there will be ambient works, cinematic instrumentals as well as live in-studio versions of oldies from my catalog. For 1000 TREES I'll be launching a Patreon campaign where you severe Droge Heads will get extra goodies each [...]

By |2017-06-20T14:07:31-07:00April 28th, 2017|Categories: Latest News, News|0 Comments


Elaine and I have been preparing for our sold-out show at VCA’s Katherine L White Hall on Nov 12. They may release a few tickets. To get on the waiting list, contact VCA HERE. Can’t tell you how excited I am to announce that our dear friend Peter Stroud will be joining us for the show. He’s flying out from Atlanta with a couple of electric guitars in tow to add dimension to the sound. [...]

By |2017-06-20T14:07:31-07:00October 28th, 2016|Categories: News|0 Comments

EXTRA EXTRA: Doc airing on PBS Reel NW

A Lot Like You will air as part of Reel NW on KCTS. Info HERE. Coincidence Alert: Exactly six years ago today I posted that I had completed the score for A Lot Like You. And what's more, I looked back at the email trail for the project to discover that my first meeting with the film's editor, Eric Frith, took place exactly eight years ago on 7/19/08. And if that's not enough, the date [...]

By |2017-08-03T09:55:29-07:00July 19th, 2016|Categories: Composer, News|0 Comments


I recently scored Showtime’s Miles to Go Before I Sleep for director Sam Jones. The short documentary is a companion piece to Cameron Crowe’s new series, Roadies. It features Jackson Browne, Chad Smith (Red Hot Chili Peppers), Chris Shiflett (Foo Fighters) and Jim James (My Morning Jacket), who speak candidly about their time on the road and the importance of the crew who work tirelessly to put the show together, as well as capturing a [...]

By |2017-08-03T09:56:52-07:00June 22nd, 2016|Categories: Composer, News|0 Comments

QUARTERLY REPORTS: Fall & Winter 2016

On the front burner lately is an artist near and dear to my heart: Pete Droge. After a movie soundtrack, two Droge & Summers Blend EPs and numerous gigs working for others, I am thrilled to be back in the hot seat. I’m grateful to have Elaine Summers occupying the executive producer’s couch. And of course, I am enlisting her writing and singing talents as well. Stay tuned. Sam Jones asked me to create [...]

By |2017-06-20T14:07:31-07:00March 2nd, 2016|Categories: News|0 Comments
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