

Vinyl Test Pressing Winner is:

Evelien Eenhoorn from The Netherlands!!! Congratulations Evelien!  We will send the record out right away.  And thanks to everyone who entered.  We are currently working on our next release and trying to think of another fun prize for next time.

By |2017-06-27T16:07:31-07:00November 1st, 2009|Categories: News|0 Comments

Our “Lucky” Song is in ZOMBIELAND

“Two of the Lucky Ones” from The Droge & Summers Blend, Volume One, is featured in the new Sony Pictures release, Zombieland, starring Woody Harrelson. CNN had this to say about it, “...resembles 'National Lampoon's Vacation' -- if written and directed by Quentin Tarantino." Read about how Bill Murray has turned the cameo into 'high art' on the Wall Street Journal Blog HERE. Opens Friday, October 2. Equal Rights Washington is using an instrumental version [...]

By |2017-06-27T16:07:32-07:00October 1st, 2009|Categories: News|0 Comments

Please Support Independent Record Stores

EP in stores today.  Find one near you? PLUS Peter Stroud is coming! We are distributing our CD thru a company called Junketboy, AKA Think Indie. It's a consortium of independent record retailers determined to bring true music lovers back to the stores that make a difference. Besides sharing the avid fan’s passion and enthusiasm for music, Think Indie stores are equipped with a unique catalogue of exclusive releases, live shows and limited-edition goodies from [...]

By |2017-06-27T16:07:32-07:00August 25th, 2009|Categories: News|0 Comments

The Exception to the Rule

Mirror Tent Music, a new concert series produced by Teatro ZinZanni and musician Stone Gossard, will present The Hank Khoir on Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. for a special evening of music alongside cirque performance, comedy and dance at Teatro ZinZanni’s spiegeltent, 222 Mercer Street. Stone Gossard of Pearl Jam has assembled a notable line up of Northwest singers and musicians for a special night of music as The HankKhoir. The HankKhoir features [...]

By |2017-06-27T16:07:32-07:00August 17th, 2009|Categories: News|0 Comments

Any Day Now

EP available here this week, in stores on AUG 25, Idol runner-up sings Droge, film takes its name from a Droge song & more. The Puzzle Tree Online Store will launch this week. We are hoping to go live on Tuesday, August 4. You will be able to pre-order THE DROGE & SUMMERS BLEND Volume One EP and immediately download digital files. Plus, we'll send you the CD long before it hits store shelves on [...]

By |2017-06-27T16:07:32-07:00August 1st, 2009|Categories: News|0 Comments

Invincible Summer

The Living in Between score is taking shape nicely. June saw some real progress. We are still in what we are calling ‘sketch’ mode with music while they continue to shape up the edit. This is the first time I have started into music on a project so early, and so far I like this approach a lot. I am able to work fast and stay focused on the core of an idea without getting [...]

By |2017-06-27T16:07:32-07:00July 1st, 2009|Categories: News|0 Comments

Done to a Turn

Happy to report that The Droge & Summers Blend Volume One mixes are complete and in the capable hands of grammy award winning mastering engineer, Gavin Lurssen. This week we turn our attention to finalizing art work and getting our online store ready for launch. I was thrilled to join Stone Gossard in the studio last month. Stone assembled a crack band (Branden Harper, Keith Lowe, Hans Tueber, Barb Ireland, Steve Moore & Bean One.) [...]

By |2017-06-27T16:07:32-07:00May 31st, 2009|Categories: News|0 Comments

I Can See the Forest Again

I recently composed original music for two Amica Insurance television spots directed by the multi-talented Sam Jones. I am not sure when the spots will begin airing. I will put one on my work page soon.With the Amica gig behind me, I am turning my attention back to THE DROGE & SUMMERS BLEND project. We took almost all of March off from the first EP. I had become way too close to everything and could [...]

By |2017-06-27T16:07:32-07:00March 31st, 2009|Categories: News|0 Comments

We Want to Hear From You

The Puzzle Tree Online Store will be open soon. We want your feedback first. Responses to any or all of the following would be appreciated. You can email us at contact at puzzletreemusic dot com. 1 We are planning on making all of our music available in a variety of formats. How important is it to you to have the option of downloading a file that has better fidelity than an MP3? Would you be [...]

By |2017-06-27T16:07:32-07:00February 28th, 2009|Categories: News|0 Comments

Slow & Steady

Elaine Summers and I have been steadily chipping away at the DROGE & SUMMERS BLEND project. In November, we were joined by Jay Bellerose (drums), Jennifer Condos (bass), Scott Weddle (guitar) and Rob Stroup (engineering). As always, Puzzle Tree Assistant Ninja, Vincent LaBelle was on hand. Before the sessions we were frantically working to complete the songs and get pre-produced. We got it all ready and once everyone was here, things went smoothly. We felt [...]

By |2017-06-27T16:07:32-07:00December 30th, 2008|Categories: News|0 Comments
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